Stop jumping through sustainability hoops for tenders

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Are you panicking as soon as a potential client starts asking for sustainability documentation that you don’t have? That was us.

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Then we discovered that as long as we had the foundations of these documents in a way that complies with Environmental and Social Governance. We could adapt and provide anything that anyone was requesting – even though it wasn’t essential.

We’re all looking for news ways to stand out.

Well sustainability is it.

That doesn’t mean you need to reinvent the wheel for each new client or every tender you apply for. On the contrary. Get your sustainability house in order and you’ll be amazed at how easy it is to stand out and win contracts.

You’re not struggling to win against competition.

You’re struggling to stand out in a world where very little separates competition.

Sustainability can be your defining factor.

Making sure your house is green and organised so that when Environmental and Social Governance becomes a piece of compliance criteria, you’re already well ahead of curve and winning contracts left, right and centre.

So let’s get started now, so that you can avoid jumping through hoops later.

Getting your ducks in a row

Failing to prepare is preparing to fail. If you’re going out applying for tenders and seeking new business without having sustainability documentation, you’re already unnecessarily putting pressure on yourself.

What if they come back and ask you for sustainability documentation?


No, we’re not doing that here. So before we even click onto application and take prospect meetings. We’re encouraging you to get your ducks in a row by creating the following documentation:

  • Environmental Policy Statement
  • Sustainability Action Plan

These two things alone will lay the crucial foundations you need for all sorts of sustainability documentation. What your goals are and how you aim to achieve them is often all you’ll need. Which is fortunate because the two go hand-in-hand.

When do the details matter?

In some cases, you’ll need to outline a little more detail. But these types of hoops are easily removed by getting yourself plans in the following areas:

  • Waste
  • Energy
  • Water
  • Carbon


These four types of management plans will be the details stemming from your Sustainability Action Plan. Once you’ve outlined your goal of reducing a carbon footprint, detailed that you’re going to do it by minimising employee commutes and added just how much carbon will be saved through cycle to work schemes – you’ve got it nailed to a T.

The beauty of these management plans?

They’re hardly ever requested. So by having them mapped out thanks to your Environmental Policy Statement and Sustainability Action Plan, any response or question you receive on your documents, you’ll have an instant response at the ready.

At this point, you’re undeniable in the sustainable space.

But isn’t this still jumping through hoops?

At some point, you’re going to have to jump through some hoops. While Environmental and Social Governance is not currently deemed essential for small businesses, it’s certainly heading that way and scope 3 emission reporting will soon be mandatory.

The important thing is to not be left behind.

Don’t be caught out on the back foot.

Getting your ducks in a row now, is different to struggling to jump through a variety of mandatory hoops later.

Stop trying to do too much at once.

Create the documents above and make them work for you.

You’ll be surprised how easy it can be to advance a wide variety of sustainable documentation once you’ve nailed the above. You can move onto other that satisfy now only new clients, but existing clients, stakeholders and shareholders. Get some inspiration from the following:

Sustainability Metric’s and KPI’s

Of course, no goal or plan is deemed a success unless it can be measured. It’s why creating a baseline is so important. While anybody can have a target to reach for, unless progress is being made towards it, it’s quickly disregarded. The last thing you want to do is appear as greenwashing in this space.

Compliance Reports

While you’re producing documentation ahead of demand. Be sure to know how you’re compliant with legislation as it comes to fruition. Compliance reports should include how internal actions is being taken towards goals, but also how it’s meeting government legislation – ahead of time.

Stakeholder Communication Plans

This final document is perfect to add to your arsenal further down the line. We recommend you supply it with links to your Environmental Policy Statement and Sustainability Action Plan. In one document you can state your intentions, how you’ll reach them and provide evidence on moving towards those targets.

Relax, no need to jump through any more hoops

Now you know what may be asked of you. There’s no need to panic when you go out for tender or start new lead conversations. You’ve put your ducks in a neat row, and you’re ready to whip out any information that could be requested at a moment notice.

The titles of the documents may change, but the information that’s being requested will in large remain the same.

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